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Fly-through from Man Cave to Kitchen: Tour a Timber Frame Home Design

Designing a home, timber frame or other, is a very personal endeavor full of desires, questions, needs, and dreams. Through communication and concentrated craftsmanship, a physical form is developed, a shelter that will be “home”, hopefully for generations to come. Each custom project brings our team new experiences from overall site planning to materials and finishes. This month finds us in close connection with a couple who are looking for a relaxed and secluded single-level home for their land in central New York. Diana, one of our design team members, created a fly-through tour of the home and adjacent barn renderings:

Above: Architectural design software helps our teams produce images and videos with textures and color which help homeowners ‘experience’ their plans in a more realistic 3D perspective.


The fly-through begins with a view of the entry side of the home and barn/garage to the right. As the approach begins, exterior materials take form: cedar shakes and stone cladding on the home and board & batten with cedar accents on the barn. Turning to the right, we enter the end of the barn/garage into the “man cave”. This auxiliary space is high and open with the steeply sloped ceiling that will be supported by custom bow-string trusses. Reclaimed Oak will flow from the back wall across the ceiling, emphasizing the open height and contrasting with the deep-toned trusses.

A central NY timber home and barn design rendering, complete with landscaping.
The “man cave” is planned to include custom finished bowstring trusses, a Reclaimed Oak accent wall, and a stone fireplace to match others within the project.

Outside again we are privy to the intentional outdoor spaces which flow from the indoor spaces. These offer a variety of possibilities to experience nature and gather with friends and family. All spaces are sheltered from the corner screened porch to a sizeable covered patio entry (with an open walkway to the pool), to the narrow patio under a larger overhang.


The homeowners expressed their affinity for grey tones which are represented throughout the design with mindful attention to keeping true to the materials found in nature. Our fly-through moves into the great room framed with queen-post trusses to the kitchen under common timber rafters. A Modern Farmhouse Clean Ash floor with a custom grey finish leads from the great room to the kitchen with a large island and focal point on the stone stove surround, a mirror of the stone fireplace in the great room. Darker grey-toned cabinets and built-ins are balanced by the warmth of the featured stone.


There is power in design, in the creativity, in the connections created, in the inherent individuality of the result. If you’re interested in a timber frame design project, our team is here.