Simplicity of Form
Rolling seaside hills serve as the backdrop to this barn-styled home that was inspired by traditional timber frame barn designs familiar to the surrounding area. This home truly celebrates the simplicity of its form and takes the interior timber structure outward to the exterior.
Consisting of two bedrooms, an exercise space, and a large open kitchen/living space, the home utilized a king-post White Oak frame that was kept as simple and natural as possible, relying on clean lines, modest color choices, and an abundance of natural light to convey the structure’s design intent which connects the home with its picturesque surroundings.
“I will never forget when the foundation work was ready New Energy Works showed up with their trucks and within a WEEK there was a barn standing on the site! The raising was just a beautiful experience. I still show people those raising day photographs, we always say that this house has a soul to it, and I think it is because of the honesty of the timber frame.”
Michael Schmitt, AIA Architect