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In the Shop: Lyons National Bank, Farmington Branch

The March 24th 2020 raising date is quickly approaching for the Lyons National Bank – Farmington NY branch. Our craftsmen are putting finishing touches on the timbers for the barn-inspired timber frame bank:


One finishing touch to the LNB timber frame includes a custom carving, commemorating the year the project will be raised, applied by the skilled hands of Jake, one of our long-time craftsmen and project champion.
One finishing touch to the LNB timber frame includes a custom carving, commemorating the year the project will be raised, applied by the skilled hands of Jake, one of our long-time craftsmen and project champion.


Andy (below) was explaining–to the camera–the layout process which includes double-checking length, joinery, coding, and more, plus applying notes for all the hand touches that happen to each timber in the frame.


Some of our craftsmen have been on camera while working on the LNB frame. More to come on this fun happening!
Some of our craftsmen have been on camera while working on the LNB frame. More to come on this fun happening!


10″ timbers throughout the LNB frame have curves cut on a band saw using a bunch of muscle and precise eye to follow templated lines applied during layout. These lyrical additions visually lighten and open the volume of the frame. They also add fluidity as the curves will “flow” from the posts across the bottom cord of truss.


Each bottom cord for the LNB bank frame has a gentle curve cut on the large band saw in our timber frame shop. (10″ is about the biggest timber we’ll put through this saw.)
Each bottom cord for the LNB bank frame has a gentle curve cut on the large band saw in our timber frame shop. (10″ is about the biggest timber we’ll put through this saw.)


Shop foreman, Mike G, gave a quick overview of the final sanding and oiling each timber was receiving in the shop. Next step: stacking/bundling.


Mike, shop foreman and master timber framer, was at ease on camera, explaining some of the final steps coworkers Zane and Jason were taking with the bank timbers.
Mike, shop foreman and master timber framer, was at ease on camera, explaining some of the final steps coworkers Zane and Jason were taking with the bank timbers.


Over 200 Douglas fir timbers are being crafted for the LNB frame. Bryan points to the joinery of one stack of nearly completed ‘sticks’ that will be headed for the job site in just over a week.


Like a big puzzle! A large stack of Douglas fir timbers for the LNB Farmington branch dwarf Bryan, project lead engineer, as he explains the end codes appearing on each stick.
Like a big puzzle! A large stack of Douglas fir timbers for the LNB Farmington branch dwarf Bryan, project lead engineer, as he explains the end codes appearing on each stick.


Interested in joining us to view the raising? Check our Events and Raisings for details.